Tuesday 31 May 2011

the illusion

akai's plaip00L collections

theme : the illusion
photographer : akai
gadjet : LG chocolate
venue : meja study territory
effect : negative
model : akai's reflection

see the images...
guess the illusion...

principle one :  life is not permenant. 
we live in this world believe that we actually are one of the matter. 
but  we are not. we are the illusion!

 principle two : we can't even touch what we thought to be the reality. 
we assumed we touch it, but in the reality we weren't!

 principle three : it's the brain who make us think we see the reality. 
it's the brain perception!

principle four :  we are actually an image inside our brain.
it's like our brain is watching a movie through our senses.

principle five : who's behind this...
there must be a creator..
who is it???


budak tu nak kongsi video yang budak tu tengok kat youtube. principle kat atas ni adalah hasil rekaan budak tu sendiri tapi diambil isi daripada video ni. link kat bawah...

apa yang budak tu dapat daripada video tu. hidup kita sebenarnya adalah ilusi semata-mata. tiada ynag kekal kat dunia ni except Allah taala.

kalau semua ni adalah ilusi, apa maknanya hidup ni? kita semua akan mati. that's for sure, but..
pernah terfikir tak, apa tujuan hidup kita kat dunia ni? dan kenapa kita diciptakan?

budak tu tinggalkan persoalan ni untuk cik2 peach dan abg2 nenas kat luar sana untuk jawab persoalan ni.
banyak lagi benda yang tak discover, jom sama2 bongkar rahsia ciptaan Allah yang sangat unik ni..

video yang best lagi. penyek!!

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